What to Do When the Laser Does Not Ray

What to Do When the Laser Does Not Ray

1. When the laser does not ray, first check whether the machine is properly powered on: check if the power switch is turned on, if the on/off key switch is in the ON position, and if the emergency stop button is in the up state.

check the machine power
2. Check whether the power switch socket, key switch socket, emergency stop switch socket, and filter wiring are loose.
check the socket
3. Check whether the power supply green indicator is on, neutral/live/ground wires, positive/negative wires are connected properly.
check the power supply

4. Command the laser to ray, check whether the laser ray indicator light of power supply is on. If not, check whether the laser ray indicator wire is loose.

check the laser ray

5. Check whether the positive and negative poles of the laser tube are loose.

check the laser tube