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Every time you shop on our website, you earn points based on your order amount. These points can be redeemed for discounts or other rewards on future purchases.
You can earn points by making purchases, signing up, sharing on Facebook, sharing on Twitter, leaving product reviews, and more. Click here to see all the ways to earn points.
The rate may vary during special promotions or events. You earn 2 points for every $1 spent during Member Day.
Points can be redeemed for discount vouchers. 100 points = $2.
Click here to redeem them.
Yes, points typically expire 12 months after they are earned. Please check your account or contact customer service for specific expiration dates.
Log in to your Reward Program account and visit the “My Points” page to view your current balance and transaction history.
Yes, you can choose to use some or all of your points at checkout. However, some promotions may limit the number of points you can use.
Yes, points earned from the returned item will be deducted from your account.
No, points are non-transferable and can only be used by the account that earned them.
Unfortunately, points must be applied at the time of checkout and cannot be added retroactively.
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